Monday, July 31, 2006

New gig

Today was my first day at my new job. I think I'm going to like it, although the commute leaves something to be desired. The people here are amazingly friendly and I think the projects will be interesting. One project is an AML study. I'm looking forward to working on that one. And some studies are planned for CLL as well. Right now I'm the only programmer, so I'll be pretty busy once I get going. I know it takes some time to get into the swing of things, but I hope it won't take too long. I don't do so well with not having much to do. I'd rather be really busy...sure makes the days go by faster.

I've been taking my motorcycle to work, but think I'll try the train next week. I'll still have to ride over the bridge, but it's only about 15 miles from home instead of the ~30 to work. I just need to get the schedule set so I can get everything done in a day that needs to be done. Work, walking the Bams, and any training duties that need to be performed before relaxing for the evening. Once marathon training is over (2-1/2 months from now, but who's counting) my schedule will free up a bit. I'm sure Jeff will be glad of that. ;-)

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