Sunday, March 01, 2009

Time on my feet

Saturday was my long run. I don't have a whole lot to say about it.
  • It was long
  • It could loosely be called a run
  • It lasted 2 hrs 45 minutes
  • I went 14.6 miles
  • That's 11:18 average/mile
  • That's close enough for government work (hey, I used to work for the government so I'm allowed to say that) to my marathon pace
  • T and I (sans pups) avoided the rain, which didn't hit until Sunday
  • Based on the number of gels I consumed, I should need...oh....10 for my marathon...seriously?!?! 10?!?!?
  • Even with all those gels (5 for this run) I still started bonking
  • T was an awesome sherpa, armed with extra Honey Stinger gummies and H20 and she talks to me without expecting me to answer back :-)
  • I reaffirmed that I hate my amphipod, but then realized its only the bigger bottles that I hate because they won't stay snapped into the belt
  • I realized that after running more than 2 hours or so, there are no *minor* annoyances
  • I'm only slightly more than 1/2 way to a marathon.
  • I should like to cry now

1 comment:

moon maiden said...

You sound so pathetic and depressed! Go to the doctor and get some medicine! After 4 weeks of suffering you need to get something to help your cold(if that is what it is!). Drink lots of juice and water. Don't be too hard on your body..take it slow for a couple days and rest. I'm sending healing thoughts your way.
Love Ya