Thursday, February 28, 2008

Does this pool taste like Iron to you?

First off, let me just say that I love both my husband and my dog. Okay, now let me say that I've been concerned that running with them has led me down the path to, well, loss of 'speed'. If I'm pacing with Jeff for his runs, I'm not running my own pace. And if I'm running with Bam, I'm having to stop to pick up *packages* and find out where she is, etc. So, I've been trying to figure out where to squeeze some alone time runs in.

Today I decided that time would be at lunch. It was sunny and beautiful, and as lunch approached I tried to talk myself out of it. In fact I wasted so much time talking to myself that I wasn't sure I could even fit it in before my meeting. I finally gave in and got changed and headed out. Now, yes, I did want to push a little, but I think I was so concerned about being back in time that I pushed a *bit* too hard. 5 miles in 46 min. Garmin says 9:13 pace. And I sure felt it, but I made it back in time to shower up quickly and get to my meeting, even if I did have wet hair.

Tina and I met up after work to get in our first *official* tri training swim. She had copied a workout from a magazine and we were to do:

warm up for 300
drills 4 x 50 w/15 seconds of rest between
base 6 x 200 w/30 seconds of rest between
pulls 4 x 100 w/20 seconds of rest between
sprints 4 x 50
cool down 100

Total: 2400

Drills weren't really explained in the article, so we made them up until we can do some research. :-) We did one arm strokes, kicks with a board, and catch-ups. Base means an effort of 7/10, pulls are with a float between your legs and using arms only, and sprints are supposed to be a 9/10 effort.

So about 1/2 way through the base set, I'm thinking....this is awfully far for an Olympic plan. The more we thought about it, we finally realized that T had copied the 1/2 iron triathlon training plan. Um, yeah, this is *TOUGH*! We dropped one of the base sets and did a total of 2200 instead. So we covered more water than we will in our first tri of the season. No wonder I'm beat.

By the time we finished up I was *starving*. I don't know what it is about swimming, but it makes me super hungry! Ok, who am I kidding? I'm almost always hungry. I hope I'm burning some calories in that pool, cause I sure am replacing them. :-)

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